
In order to have an effective solution, you need to know exactly what the problem is, avoiding pitfalls that can spoil your plans. This takes knowing the industries inside and out. We’ve assigned dedicated teams for each industry, led by professionals with years of experience in the field of their expertise. Our years of service providing turnkey solutions to a wide range of industries is proof that we are amongst the most trusted ICT company in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

Oil & Gas

Large enterprises with operations in
geographically remote locations need
high speed exchanging….Read more


Mining companies have found great value in
ICT investment, from communicating
with the most ….Read more


Every construction company can benefit from
the possibilities that Satellite Communication
creates for enhanced….Read more


KARIBA’s solutions for banks are tailored to provide the latest information and
communication….Read more


Healthcare organizations today face a myriad
of issues and problems on the way to
realizing their….Read more


Many ICT companies are capable of providing good products and sometimes solutions
to their customers….Read more


KARIBA develops turnkey solutions for
clients in the transportation sector
encompassing….Read more


Governmental institutions are the largest
investors in ICT systems. They deploy
information technology….Read more